Zhiyuan "plagiarism door" the latest notification: 2 plagiarism 4 citation irregularities, the relevant responsible persons have taken the initiative to leave

By    18 Jul,2022

In addition, the notice also indicated that four of the questioned fragments were cited irregularly.

They are as follows

Article 10: There are a few duplicate texts

Article 12: 36 words are repeated in section 12.2.3, no whole sentence is repeated

Article 14: Section 14.2.2 has 63 words repeated in one sentence

Article 16: Section 16.1 has multiple repetitions in one sentence

The authors of the above issues have also been notified by the Wise Source Institute.

As for the rest of the questioned fragments, the report says "they are normative citations".

"The responsible persons have all left the company."

At the end of the briefing, the Institute also announced the "results of processing and rectification".

First, the Institute asked the authors of the articles that might have been problematic to apologize in writing to the original authors, and said that "they have received feedback and understanding from the original authors".

Secondly, since the people involved in the "2 plagiarism cases" were all from the Big Model Research Center of WISDOM, it was decided to

Reorganize the department.

And the responsible persons have left the department voluntarily.

As for the loopholes in the publication process, WISCOM said, "We have rectified the publication process and revised and improved the system of scientific research integrity and academic style construction".

At the same time, in view of this incident, the Institute has also made follow-up plans.

The Institute plans to work with academia and industry to develop more rigorous literature citation specifications and open source detection tools and systems for papers and code to prevent similar problems from occurring again.

Review of the incident

After reading the latest briefing, let's also review the story together.

On April 8, Google Brain researcher Nicholas Carlini posted an article stating that

The article A Roadmap for Big Model was plagiarized from a paper he recently published.

He listed 10 paragraphs where the plagiarism is obvious and highlighted in green where the text is consistent.

The latest notification of "plagiarism door" of JiYuan: 2 plagiarisms and 4 irregularities in citations, and the responsible persons have left the company voluntarily
