Ubuntu will be the first major Linux distribution to support Matter, a common standard for smart homes

By    27 Sep,2022

Canonical announced on its official blog that it has joined the Connectivity Standards Alliance (formerly the Zigbee Alliance) as a participant member.


Canonical is the first major independent Linux distribution to join the consortium.

Canonical has announced its support for Matter, the upcoming universal standard for the smart home, an Internet Protocol (IP)-based communication standard designed to make smart home devices secure, reliable and seamless to use.

Canonical aims to support Matter out of the box on Ubuntu Core, making it the fastest and most reliable way to bring Matter devices to market.

Ubuntu Core is a fully containerized version of Ubuntu, built for IoT and embedded devices.

Canonical says Ubuntu Core complements the Matter standard by providing a complete solution for wireless updates and security maintenance -- areas that go beyond the scope of Matter. By eliminating the overhead of maintaining a secure embedded linux, Ubuntu Core allows companies to focus on the value of their applications. together, Ubuntu Core and Matter can provide a great open source solution for smart home products.

In May 2015, the Connectivity Standards Alliance released the Matter standard, which is supported by a host of giants including Apple, Amazon, Google and Samsung.

"Matter" is not only a set of protocol standards, but also a kind of "product certification". A smart home product supporting Matter means it can access the three most mainstream platforms on the market and interconnect with most cell phones and smart speakers.