To be more energy efficient, almost all Samsung home appliances will support Wi-Fi in the future

By    31 Aug,2022

Ahead of the IFA 2022 event, Samsung revealed plans for its upcoming home appliances and SmartThings platform. JaeSeung Lee, head of digital home appliances at Samsung Electronics, wrote an editorial revealing how the company is working to become the world's most energy-efficient home appliance brand.


In the article, JaeSeung Lee says that users "have become more aware of the environmental impact of their choices and are practicing eco-conscious activities in their daily lives to make up for the shortfall. Therefore, to meet consumer demand, the company plans to make its home appliances more customizable, sustainable and eco-friendly.

To be more energy efficient, almost all future Samsung home appliances will support Wi-Fi

Samsung's Bespoke line of appliances is already available in more than 50 markets around the world, and the company plans to expand it to more countries this year. Samsung also plans to bring SmartThings Energy capabilities to nearly all of its future home appliances by making them Wi-Fi enabled. SmartThings Energy will monitor the energy consumption of all compatible home appliances and devices, using AI (artificial intelligence) to monitor and improve energy efficiency.


Earlier this year, Samsung partnered with clothing brand Patagonia to reduce microplastics released from washing machines and water purifiers. Samsung has also partnered with Qcells and SMA Solar Technologies to create a "net-zero home" model, a home that creates energy and stores it, effectively powering itself and reducing carbon emissions. The company will reveal more information about its future plans at IFA 2022.