Zhiyuan "plagiarism door" the latest notification: 2 plagiarism 4 citation irregularities, the relevant responsible persons have taken the initiative to leave

By    18 Jul,2022

In addition, the briefing also responds to the previous segments of users' questions about the review's content.

First of all, WISDOM acknowledges that there are two pieces of plagiarism.

The first plagiarism is in section 2.3.1 of the second article of the review, which contains multiple repetitions of 179 words in total.

According to the "Types of Academic Misconduct of Paper Authors" in the "Code of Academic Publication: Definition of Academic Misconduct in Journals

Plagiarism of textual expressions: the use of textual expressions from published literature in paragraphs, although quoted, without quotation marks, or without changing the font, or without using a specific arrangement for displaying the text used.

This plagiarized fragment falls into this category and also meets Level 5 of the IEEE Publication Services and Products Committee's Operating Manual, "Guidelines for Determining Different Levels of Plagiarism.

The main points of the determination are: verbatim copying of major portions of a text, with citations but lacking clear distinction.

In this regard, the notice said that the two authors of the article (both of them are the staff of Wise Source Large Model Research Center) are responsible for direct responsibility and negligence respectively.

The second plagiarized fragment is section 8.3.1 of the 8th article, in which there is a 74-word repetition of the whole sentence.

The author responsible for this paragraph is also from the Wise Source Large Model Research Center, and is directly responsible for not confirming with the corresponding author before publishing the article.

In response, the Wise Source Institute stated that

The above two authors have apologized to the original authors in accordance with the corresponding corrective measures in the IEEE Handbook, and have been understood by the original authors, and have fulfilled the relevant academic responsibilities they should take.
