Tesla's German plant to run two shifts to boost capacity, eventually three shifts for 24-hour production

By    12 Aug,2022

TESLARATI reported yesterday that in order to further increase production, Tesla's German factory will be running two shifts in August.


Tesla's German factory currently employs more than 5,000 people. In order to ensure that the plant can run two shifts, it plans to hire more workers to operate the equipment in August. According to RBB, Tesla's German factory will eventually run three shifts, allowing the plant to operate 24 hours a day.

Currently, Tesla plans to have the plant producing 3,000 cars per week by October 2022. Meanwhile, Drew Baglin, Tesla's senior vice president of powertrain and energy engineering, said on the earnings call that Tesla aims to have the German plant capable of producing 5,000 cars per week by the end of the year.

Zachary Kirkhorn, Tesla's chief financial officer, said that despite losing more production than expected in the third quarter, Tesla is still working to get to 50 per cent capacity growth this year. While this goal has become more difficult, it is still possible to achieve it with strong execution.

Previously, Tesla's German plant halted production for a fortnight in order to adjust some of the casting machines producing parts for the rear chassis of the car and to install new machinery. The factory is now able to produce 1,000 cars per week.

Tesla's Shanghai Superplant also completed a capacity upgrade in July. After the upgrade, the plant has an annual capacity of more than 750,000 vehicles, making it Tesla's highest-capacity superfactory to date.