Automotive chips have eased? Sources say IGBT is limiting electric car production

By    28 Jul,2022

Automotive chips since the supply shortage in the second half of 2020, when the relief has always touched the industry. In fact, the first half of 2021 was also exposed to the automotive chip relief, but the reality is that the supply shortage is getting more and more serious. According to Auto Forecast Solutions (hereinafter referred to as AFS), in 2021, due to chip shortages, the global automotive market cumulative production reduction of about 10.2 million units.


In recent times, a number of end-user companies in the consumer electronics industry have continuously cut orders, resulting in an oversupply of some consumer chips, and by this conduction, the automotive industry has also seen the sound of chip supply shortage slowing down. However, I recently found that some automotive chip prices are still high or even rising, and an industry insider even said that the output of some OEMs' new energy vehicles depends on the supply of IGBTs. (IGBT, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, that is, insulated gate bipolar transistor)

Automotive chip shortage market slowing down?

According to AFS statistics, in 2021, due to chip shortage, the global automotive market has reduced production by about 10.2 million units, among which Asia is the hardest hit by the reduction, with China alone reducing production by 1.982 million units, bringing incalculable losses to the industry.

By the end of May this year, the shortage of automotive chips has not changed, a number of OEMs such as Xiaopeng Automotive previously said that the shortage of automotive chips still exists, of which He Xiaopeng revealed that the shortage of chips are mostly proprietary chips, effectively cheap chips, rather than advanced chips.

Automotive chip core panic when to alleviate has been a concern of the industry. In fact, in the first half of 2021, there are car companies have repeatedly expressed the news that the shortage of automotive chips market appeared to ease, but the reality is that the supply of tight situation is becoming more serious, the third quarter of last year was once faced with a "core" difficult to find the situation, the state had to take action to rectify the illegal phenomenon of disrupting the normal market price. Industry analysts say that the production demand delayed by the epidemic superimposed on the new demand, the shortage of automotive chips is unlikely to be alleviated in the short term.
