Zuckerberg donates PyTorch to the Linux Foundation

By    14 Sep,2022

The latest news is that PyTorch is now "independent" from Meta.


Zuckerberg himself announced that the PyTorch Foundation has been newly formed under the Linux Foundation.

Its management board includes Meta, AMD, AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft, and Nvidia.

Zuckerberg donated PyTorch to the Linux Foundation

Meta states.

The driving force behind PyTorch's success is the vibrant and continued growth of the open source community.

Establishing the foundation will ensure that decisions are made by community members in a transparent and open manner for many years to come.

Why the PyTorch Foundation?

At its core are two words: neutrality.

This was emphasized in announcements from all parties.

According to Meta, the PyTorch Foundation will adhere to four principles.

Remain open

Maintain neutrality

Maintain fairness

Build a strong technical profile

Its priority, in turn, is to ensure independence between PyTorch commercialization and technical governance.

The Linux Foundation further explains the importance of PyTorch's "neutrality".

Originally incubated by Meta's AI team, PyTorch has grown into a large community of contributors and users.

In the AI / ML space, PyTorch is like a Swiss Army knife - a lot of the technology in the AI / ML community is built on PyTorch.
