Zuckerberg donates PyTorch to the Linux Foundation

By    14 Sep,2022

As of August 2022, PyTorch is one of the top 5 fastest growing open source communities in the world, along with the Linux kernel, Kubernetes, and others. From August 2021 to August 2022, PyTorch counted over 65,000 commits and over 2400 contributors.

For such a critical technology foundation platform, neutrality and true community ownership will accelerate its growth and maturity.

(The addition of the PyTorch Foundation to the Linux Foundation will give community members confidence that PyTorch is part of a public resource that can be relied upon and trusted in perpetuity.

It's worth noting that statistics show that PyTorch is now used by over 80% of researchers at machine learning capitals like NeurIPS and ICML.

Speaking of the Linux Foundation, which has gone both ways with PyTorch, it was founded in 2000.

As a non-profit organization, it was founded to promote, protect and advance Linux, supporting the open source community through finance, intellectual property, infrastructure, medium and large scale events, training and more.

Today, the Linux Foundation covers projects that go far beyond Linux itself.

Google, for example, donated Kubernetes to the Linux Foundation in 2015 in the form of a joint effort to establish the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Netizen buzz

In Meta's own words, PyTorch is "an important step forward.

When people heard the news, they rushed to watch the torch being passed around.

Many of them said that it was rare to hear good news from Meta.

After all, Meta's donation of PyTorch to the Linux Foundation means that the intellectual property of PyTorch has been truly transferred to the open source community.

The difference is clear.

The Istio grid service was an example of this earlier. Before Google donated Istio to the CNCF, Istio had not been able to dominate the market like Kubernetes because of concerns about Google's control over the project.

While giving Meta a shout-out, some of our friends gave Google a look.

I'm curious if Google will follow this example with TensorFlow and JAX :)

Zuckerberg has donated PyTorch to the Linux Foundation

Well, the pressure is now on Google's side!

However, not everyone is buying Meta's move. In the traditional Meta trolling section, users are still very vocal.
