How did AI painting take off? From history to technological breakthroughs, read the history of the hot AI painting in one article

By    21 Sep,2022

Putting aside the cool visual effects package, the core ability here is that the human input is verbal, and then the computer AI understands the human expression and generates a graphic image that meets the requirements and is displayed to the human.

If you think about it, the most basic form of this ability is the concept of an AI painting. (Of course, there is still a little distance from flat drawing to 3D generation, but compared to the difficulty of the AI to create a meaningful painting out of thin air, the automatic generation of the corresponding 3D model from 2D drawings is not a problem of the same magnitude)

So, whether it's speech control or the more esoteric brainwave control, the cool scenes in science fiction movies and TV shows actually depict an AI ability to automatically turn "verbal descriptions" into images through AI comprehension. The technology for automatic text recognition by voice is now so mature that it's essentially an AI drawing process from text to image.

It's actually quite impressive that the AI can understand and automatically draw the corresponding content with just text descriptions, without any reference images, and the drawing is getting better and better! What felt a bit far away yesterday, is now really happening in front of everyone.
