Intel admits latest drivers for UHD 770 cores are causing response delays in Chrome and Edge browsers

By    11 Jul,2022

Intel issued a troubleshooting article on July 5, acknowledging that the latest drivers for the UHD 770 core graphics for the 12th generation Core processors are causing response latency issues in Chrome and Edge browsers.


Intel admits latest drivers for UHD 770 cores are causing response delays in Chrome and Edge browsers

Intel said the problem caused the Chromium core's browser to feel like it was semi-frozen, with a 2-second delay in response to clicks and a severely delayed and intermittent scroll.

The solution is as follows.

Update the browser to the latest version.

Update Windows to the latest version.

Try using the latest custom driver from the motherboard manufacturer (OEM) or a clean install of the Intel Universal Driver.

Disable hardware acceleration on the browser or switch from HDD (mechanical hard drive) to SSD (solid state drive).

From Intel's description, it appears that the latest drivers for the Core 12 processor UHD 770 core graphics somehow affect the way hardware-accelerated graphics rendering works with Chromium and cause unnecessary data exchange between memory and hard drive.