Report shows eSIM already popular in Europe and Asia, analysts say Apple iPhone 14 series may offer eSIM-only version

By    20 Jul,2022

In early May, Tony Fadell, Apple's former iPod vice president, revealed that Steve Jobs wanted the first-generation iPhone to not use a physical SIM card, and that Steve Jobs' wish may come true in the near future. Yesterday, a report in the Wall Street Journal revealed that eSIM technology is already catching on in Europe and Asia.


The days of physical SIM cards are over, according to the Wall Street Journal. As more manufacturers in Europe and Asia adopt eSIM technology, and as the third-generation iPhone SE adds an eSIM version, U.S. carriers are preparing to welcome eSIM-only iPhones in the near future. support for physical SIM cards.

Jeff Howard, vice president of mobile devices and accessories at U.S. telecom carrier AT&T, said eSIM is a result of technological developments that allow users to have a better experience.

Earlier this year, GlobalData analyst Emma Mohr-McClune said that it was only a matter of time before Apple's iPhone abandoned its physical SIM card, and that the SIM slot would be completely eliminated in the future. For now, Apple doesn't plan to suddenly abandon physical SIM cards altogether, and some iPhone 14 series models will likely be offered in eSIM-only versions. At the same time, Apple's iPhone 14 series will retain a physical SIM version to accommodate the mass market and major carriers. Apple is putting the choice in the hands of carriers to decide whether to offer an eSIM-only version of the iPhone when selling the physical SIM version.
