Apple iOS 16 Beta 3 on line clown fish wallpaper, Steve Jobs released the first generation of iPhone used

By    11 Jul,2022

Early this morning, Apple pushed out the iOS 16 Developer Preview Beta 3 update (internal version number: 20A5312g) to iPhone users. Some IT Home users have given feedback that iOS 16 beta 3 comes with a new clown fish wallpaper.


In response to the information, Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman said that some users have seen a new clown fish wallpaper option in iOS 16 beta 3. This was the wallpaper Steve Jobs used when he released the first iPhone in 2007, but it never actually made it to the iPhone.

IT House has learned that at Macworld 2007, then Apple CEO Steve Jobs officially launched the first generation of iPhone. At that time, Jobs jokingly said that he was going to launch three revolutionary products, including a touchable widescreen iPod, a revolutionary cell phone and a groundbreaking Internet communication device.

It is important to note that the clown fish wallpaper is not currently displayed for all users, but is expected to be officially available as a wallpaper option in a future beta release.