Can't charge after updating iPadOS 15.5? Apple has started investigating iPad mini 6 charging issues

By    11 Jul,2022

According to a memo sent to service providers obtained by MacRumors, Apple is investigating a more serious issue with users. Some users have reported that their iPad mini 6 may not charge after updating to iPadOS 15.5.


Apple says that some "iPad mini" users are unable to charge after installing the latest iPadOS 15.5 update. Apple's recommendation is to reboot.

Apple has advised service providers and retail employees that if they encounter a customer who is unable to charge during a run they can suggest they reboot their device as a temporary solution.

The bottom line is that Apple has made it clear that "replacing the iPad or its battery and other hardware will not solve the problem", which means that this is purely a software issue.

IT Home has learned that several iPad mini 6 users have recently given feedback in Apple support forums and other communities that they have experienced charging problems after updating to the latest iPadOS system, and one user said that his replacement cable and charger were ineffective, and that a reboot was useful but only for a short period of time, which is not a cure.

Another user said he has done factory reset twice, and each time he may have two or three days of normal use before having to restore factory settings again.

It's worth noting that Apple has offered a similar approach before, but it doesn't seem to be helping much.