Extreme Krypton: 7,166 units of Extreme Krypton 001 delivered in August, up 42.69% YoY, a new high for single-month deliveries

By    1 Sep,2022

In August, Krypton 001 delivered a total of 7,166 new vehicles, a 42.69% increase from the previous month, setting a new high for single-month deliveries and a cumulative total of 37,205 units.


In August, Krypton became the first global mass production brand of Kirin battery, and the world's first native pure electric luxury MPV ZEEKR 009 will be the first global mass production model of Kirin battery, while the luxury hunting coupe ZEEKR 001 will be the world's first mass production model with over 1,000km of pure electric range powered by Kirin battery.

Officials also said that in August, the ZEEKR 001 won two Guinness World Record honors: the fastest electric car drift speed of 207.996km/h and the fastest electric car pile winding of 49.05s.

Krypton Energy's self-built charging stations are located in a total of 443 stations (excluding dedicated stations) in 72 cities nationwide, of which 8 cities, including Fuzhou, Langfang and Ganzhou, have their first stations online, and 47 stations were added this month. The third-party charging network accessed by Charging Map has covered more than 340,000 charging terminals in 329 cities nationwide.

At present, Krypton replacement has been launched in 35 cities nationwide, with a turnover of over 1,000 units, of which the official said the replacement of old cars of traditional luxury brands and high-end new power brands ZEEKR 001 accounts for nearly 30%.