The ultimate in environmental protection, college team builds prototype electric car that collects CO2

By    26 Jul,2022

One of the reasons why new energy vehicles have been promoted in recent years is their ability to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. To further reduce carbon emissions, a team of university students at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands has built a prototype of an electric car that can collect carbon dioxide.


The EV, named Zem, is a CO2-capable vehicle, and the team of students planned the entire project to be carbon neutral from the start. For example, to minimize material waste and carbon emissions, the team used additive manufacturing techniques to create a monocoque and body panels, and sustainable materials such as recycled plastic and pineapple leather (leather made from pineapple leaves) to complete the interior.

Zem chose polycarbonate for its windows, which the team says is kinder to the environment than glass. In addition, the car's infotainment system, electronics, and lighting are all modular in design, which means the parts can be reused in other products.

As an electric vehicle, the Zem is fitted with nine modular 2.3 kWh battery packs and a 22 kW electric motor. In order to recover energy, a power recovery system is essential. In addition, the vehicle has photovoltaic cells on its surface to generate electricity from solar energy.

Most importantly, the team incorporated direct air capture technology into the grille at the front of the Zem, which allows the Zem to collect carbon dioxide from the air as it drives. The team says that if the vehicle travels 20,600 kilometers per year at 60 km/h, it can collect 2 kilograms of carbon dioxide. It may not seem efficient, but if the technology is rolled out to millions of cars around the world, it could effectively reduce global carbon emissions.

Zem's filter fills up after the vehicle has driven 320 kilometers, so users need to store the captured CO2 in a canister while charging so they can continue collecting the next batch.

This August, members of the team and Zem will travel to U.S. universities and companies in hopes that more people will embrace Zem's concept. "We want to impact the industry by demonstrating that Zem has opportunities and possibilities if 35 students can design, develop and build an almost carbon-neutral car in a year," said Nikki Okkels, the team's external relations manager.

In addition, Okkels said the car is not fully developed and hopes to go further in the coming years, and that they are inviting automakers to co-develop it.