"Robot furniture" into reality: the bed fell from the sky, the table through the wall out

By    22 Aug,2022

This robotic furniture system requires a high enough ceiling, as well as a supporting structure and power system. Currently, more than 100 units of Bumblebee's robotic furniture system have been sold. The system starts at $14,000, while a single room with complete equipment costs up to $37,000.

Fourth, the entire wall can be moved, so that the privacy protection upgrade

In Spain, about one-third of apartments and houses are smaller than 59 square meters, and these homes usually house a family. For such tenants, it is not enough to maximize the use of space; privacy is also important. Simply moving furniture around in a room does not guarantee privacy, only real walls and doors do.

To address the needs of such users, the Spanish design firm Enorme Studio has designed a new system that allows entire walls to be moved. The system is produced by the architecture firm Beyome, whose CEO, Íñigo Moreno, says that the cost of equipping a home with the Enorme system is about 1,000 euros (6894 yuan) per square meter, which is comparable to the cost of completely refurbishing and renovating an apartment in Spain.

Conclusion: A new wave of automation in furniture, the road ahead is still unknown

The new trend of furniture automation is a new trend, but this field is still facing the problem of high cost. Some people in the industry are pessimistic about this, and they jokingly call it "the poor can't afford it and the rich can't use it". They believe that, given the same cost, people will prefer a larger space.

From Rethink Robotics' attempts to bring programmable "collaborative robots" to small businesses, to Jibo's attempts to bring "social" robots into the home, there have been many companies throughout history that have tried to integrate robots into people's daily lives, but none of them have ended well. None of them have ended well. So it's hard to say whether these startups into robotic furniture will be successful.
