AI aids in determining glaucoma, Tencent becomes the first Internet technology company to be approved as an innovative medical device in China

By    5 Sep,2022

Recently, the State Drug Administration has approved the application for registration of the innovative product "Fundus Image Assisted Diagnosis Software for Chronic Glaucoma-like Optic Neuropathy" developed by Tencent Medical Health (Shenzhen) Co.


It is reported that this product is a joint research achievement of Tencent For Imaging and Professor Wang Ningli's team at Beijing Tongren Hospital. It adopts deep learning artificial intelligence algorithms to provide clinical assisted triage recommendations. The algorithm engine adopts a multi-model integrated learning strategy to give indications of suspected chronic glaucoma-like optic neuropathy and provide practicing physicians with indications of suspected chronic glaucoma-like optic neuropathy, as well as suggestions on whether further medical examination is needed.

In addition, this innovative medical device product provides a quality control method for fundus camera imaging that can automatically identify common fundus image quality issues in the clinic, such as non-fundus images, large area smudges and refractive interstitial clouding. According to the introduction, this set of products can effectively improve the accuracy and confidence of auxiliary diagnosis, and is expected to solve the problem of insufficient medical resources facing glaucoma diagnosis in China.

Tencent Foraging was released in 2017 and is Tencent's first AI product that applies artificial intelligence technology to the medical field. In addition to the AI-assisted glaucoma diagnosis, Tencent has also successfully obtained the AI-assisted pneumonia diagnosis medical AI "Class III Certificate".