Aliyun Panjiu Server M-Series and Yitian 710 chips successfully passed the official PCIe 5.0 certification

By    8 Sep,2022

According to AliCloud Infrastructure, AliCloud's Panjiva Server M Series and Pingtougo Yitian 710 chips have both successfully passed PCIe 5.0 compatibility testing in the latest batch of PCIe 5.0 certifications announced by the standards organization PCI-SIG, making them the first server hardware systems and data center chips in the world to pass PCIe 5.0 certification testing and mass production, respectively. server chips.


PCIe Compliance certification test is a special certification test for PCIe high-speed interfaces organized by PCI-SIG standards, and is also recognized as a standard test by industry vendors.

The test represents the design quality of the PCIe high-speed interface (including the chip PCIe digital part, Serdes analog part, single board hardware, connectors, etc.), and also reflects the compatibility of the product.

As the current mainstream bus standard and solution for servers, PCIe is evolving forward on a three-year iteration cycle, and the PCIe 5.0 standard, which is now becoming mainstream, was officially released in May 2019. Since April this year, a small number of IP, chip and component vendors have been certified by PCI-SIG.

According to the official introduction, Aliyun's own cloud-native architecture, Panjiva Server M Series, supports DDR5 standard, which increases memory bandwidth by more than 50% compared to DDR4; coupled with the PCIe 5.0 transfer rate doubling from 16 GT/s in PCIe 4.0 to 32 GT/s, Panjiva Server M Series has a bus throughput of 128GB/s, which can better meet the high-speed data processing needs of modern data centers. Combined with the customization flexibility, core count and price/performance advantages of Ali's own Yitian 710 chip, the Panjiva Server M Series can be used in large-scale transaction processing, online transactions and cloud-native application scenarios.