AMD executives say its graphics cards have an advantage in frequencies above 2.5Ghz, Nvidia is still lacking

By    8 Jul,2022

In the past few years, AMD has managed to get back in the CPU field. In terms of GPU, AMD and Nvidia still have a gap. But AMD executives say that AMD's graphics cards have an advantage in frequencies above 2.5Ghz, while Nvidia is still lacking.

AMD executives say its graphics cards have an advantage in frequencies above 2.5Ghz, while Nvidia has a shortfall

According to tom'sHARDWARE, AMD senior vice president, corporate researcher and product technology architect Sam Naffziger said in an interview that the RDNA 3 architecture enables graphics cards to run at 2.5Ghz at 1.0V compared to the RDNA 2 architecture, which previously might have required 1.2V. For rival Nvidia, Nafziger believes that their GPU frequency can also reach 2.5Ghz, but the voltage frequency will be much higher, which will bring higher power consumption.

IT House learned that AMD graphics cards can reach a high frequency of more than 2.5Ghz thanks to TSMC 7nm process. And Nvidia's RTX 30 series graphics card or Samsung 8nm process, the process based on Samsung 10nm process improvements, and TSMC 7nm process has a generation difference.

This year, AMD and NVIDIA's new generation of products will use TSMC 5nm process, the two sides do not have the process dividends difference, this time will be able to really show the two GPU architecture design level.