BYD Han family's second anniversary OTA update released: internal testing will begin tomorrow and will be pushed out in batches from August

By    29 Jul,2022

BYD Auto announced today: BYD Han family has delivered 250,000 units, and now brings the second anniversary OTA upgrade package for Han family, including two advanced configurations and four human features, claiming "to create a safer travel experience and become a more intelligent partner who understands you".


The new version will be available for small-scale user testing and the first batch of media test drives from July 29, and the official launch of each model in batches from August, so stay tuned!

In the first anniversary, BYD pushed out three major functions, namely HUAWEI HiCar, RPA exterior automatic parking assistance and rhythmic music ambient light, and now will bring you the "dTCS distributed traction control system" jointly developed with Bosch, as well as HWA high-speed driving assistance function, DiTrainer coaching mode, NVH active sound, and NVH active sound. mode, NVH active sound, full-scene active language, intelligent power up and down, and other functions.