Amazon Alexa voice assistant turns into a "salesman" as it answers your questions with ads

By    19 Sep,2022

According to Techcrunch, today Amazon announced a new feature for its intelligent voice assistant Alexa, Customers Ask Alexa, at its annual seller conference Amazon Accelerate. This new feature allows Alexa to answer users' questions with sponsored product ads.


When a user asks a common question, such as "How do I clean pet hair out of my carpet?" Alexa may recommend a duster for you. "How do I get rid of the smell of soil stains?" Alexa may recommend an air freshener for you.

Amazon explains in a blog post: Registered brands on Amazon can use the Customers Ask Alexa feature through Seller Central, where they can use self-service tools to discover and answer users' frequently asked questions.

The company said that all answers submitted by brands will be subject to content review and quality checks. The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

I. Amazon marketing actions are frequent, Alexa into a "marketing assistant"?

Amazon is increasingly using Alexa for advertising and marketing, and people are finding Alexa more and more tedious.

In 2021, Amazon's Amazon Music launched interactive audio ads and allowed customers to add items from the ads to their Amazon shopping cart by saying "Alexa, add to cart.

The company has also recently started working with some brands to showcase promotions in the form of still images on the smart speaker Amazon Echo, with content such as weather, recipes, sports, news and other content scrolling in rotation in the "ambient use" feature.
