AR contact lenses are here, the price of a cell phone, officially opened the human wear test

By    23 Aug,2022

AR glasses can be worn directly like contact lenses.


AR contact lenses are here, the price of a cell phone, officially opened the human body wear test

Is it very science fiction?

And, this VR contact lens not only integrates complex hardware and functions into a contact lens-like device to achieve a senseless wear, but also very powerful functions.

Can be applied to a variety of realistic scenarios, such as sports and fitness, health monitoring, travel navigation and so on.

The product comes from the U.S. startup Mojo Vision, which is now in official beta testing, with the first beta tester, Drew Perkins, founder and CEO of Mojo Vision.

AR contact lens is here, the price of a cell phone, officially opened the human body wear test

Once the product was unveiled, netizens got high. Such a cyberpunk product, can't wait to try: AR contact lenses are here.

AR contact lenses are here, the price of a cell phone, officially opened the human body wear test

Of course, rational consumers as well as the existence of an electronic product, but also to bring into the eyes, how long can use? Will there be safety issues?

AR contact lenses are here, the price of a cell phone, the official opening of the human body to wear the test
