DPU chip design Centric Harnesses Digital to join the openEuler Euler open source community

By    19 Sep,2022

According to openEuler release, recently, CSC Harness Digital officially joined openEuler Euler open source community.


DPU is known as the third main chip of data center after CPU and GPU, which can offload network, storage, computing and security tasks. IT Home has learned that based on the "software-defined gas pedal" technology line, Centric has developed KPU, a chip architecture for domain-specific computing, and HADOS, an agile heterogeneous software stack.

In the future, we will work closely with the openEuler open source community, actively participate in the relevant SIG groups, and work with community members to promote open source and open heterogeneous computing ecosystem.

openEuler is an open source operating system for digital infrastructure. The openEuler open source community aims to create an innovative platform through community cooperation, build a unified and open operating system community that supports multi-processor architecture, and promote the prosperity of hardware and software ecology. Currently, the openEuler community has over 10626 community contributors and 99 special interest groups. openEuler kernel is derived from Linux and supports Kunpeng and other processors to unleash the potential of computing chips.

The DPU series, developed by Centric, can be widely used in ultra-low latency networks, big data processing, 5G edge computing, high-speed storage and other scenarios. The founding team comes from research institutes and has nearly 20 years of technical accumulation in the field of dedicated processors and computer architecture.