Samsung announces first 16Gb GDDR6 memory with 24Gbps processing speed to begin shipping as next-generation GPU platform arrives

By    14 Jul,2022

Today, Samsung Electronics announced that Samsung's first 16Gb GDDR6 (Double Data Rate Storage for 6th Generation Graphics) video memory with 24Gbps processing speed has started shipping.


Using Samsung's third-generation 10nm (1z) process and Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) technology, the new memory is designed to significantly improve graphics performance in next-generation graphics cards (video graphics arrays), notebooks, gaming consoles, and artificial intelligence-based applications and high-performance computing (HPC) systems.

Daniel Lee, executive vice president of Samsung Electronics' memory product planning team, said Samsung's first 24Gbps GDDR6 is currently in sampling and expects this product to be validated on next-generation GPU platforms and brought to market in a timely manner.

Samsung's 24Gbps GDDR6 is said to feature an innovative circuit design and highly advanced insulation (high K metal gates) to minimize current leakage, resulting in a 30% speed increase compared to previous 18Gbps products. When integrated into high-end graphics cards, it can transfer up to 1.1TB of data in one second, equivalent to approximately 275 Full HD movies.
