Apple iPhone folding screen engineering machine exposure, horizontal and vertical all have

By    26 Sep,2022

TheLec previously reported that Apple is working with LG to develop a foldable OLED display panel with ultra-thin cover glass for future Apple tablets and laptops.

Although Apple has not yet launched a foldable smartphone, but its competitors Samsung, Huawei and Xiaomi have already launched such devices in the market, from the exposure of a large number of patents can be seen, Apple must also be developing similar devices, but now is not ready to launch.

Recently, Apple has published a patent that mentions "self-repair" technology for foldable smartphones and other devices.

The patent describes a method for minimizing damage to foldable devices and repairing the damage when it occurs. The patent shows that the device has a hinge that allows it to bend on a bending axis. In order to bend around the bending axis without damage, the display may contain a display overlay with a flexible portion.

Apple says the technology could be used in everything from "computing devices like laptops" to cell phones and even "smaller devices like watch devices, pendant devices, wearable or other types of miniature devices.
