The new car makers are piling up in shopping malls, why don't the traditional car companies go for the land?

By    22 Sep,2022

Nowadays, when you walk into the first floor of shopping centers in some first- and second-tier cities, the first thing you see is no longer jewelry, cosmetics and high-end clothing counters, but a new energy car showroom.


Many netizens have quipped that without one or two new energy car showrooms in large shopping centers today, they are not mature and popular. Indeed, since Tesla, a representative of the new force, set a precedent, car companies such as "Wei Xiao Li Wei Which" are also scrambling to enter large complexes and shopping centers to show a new force.

Unlike traditional car brands that build 4S stores in various areas of the city, new car makers prefer to locate in city complexes and shopping centers, and build high-end city showrooms in busy downtown areas to highlight their brand identity - "new".

However, with the gradual increase of auto showrooms in city complexes and shopping malls, many consumers have found that the new energy vehicle brands that "grab" prime locations in complexes and shopping malls are no longer limited to the new forces, but individual traditional car companies are also starting to seize the beach. The new car brands are no longer limited to the new power, but also to the traditional car companies.

In large complexes and shopping malls, a "fierce battle" between the old and new forces is being fought, what does this mean?

01 Traditional car companies "follow the wind" into the game?

"If we are quick, the first new energy car city showroom under our brand will be opened at the end of this year."

Li Yue (a pseudonym) is the manager of the marketing division of a new energy vehicle sub-brand of a traditional domestic car company, and he told us that with the new car makers "grabbing" the shopping centers in first-tier cities, many traditional car companies have started to sit still.
