New Waymo self-driving video goes viral with no one in the front row and no takeover for 40 minutes across town!

By    26 Aug,2022

Waymo, the world's leading self-driving technology company, started in 2009 and became an independent subsidiary of Alphabet from Google. Prior to that, Waymo put its self-driving system Driver on two different types of car platforms in 2015 and 2017, testing it in Austin and the East Valley of Phoenix, gaining years of experience.

One of these tests in the East Phoenix Valley launched a fully self-driving taxi pilot service in 2020, taking hundreds of orders per week.

Waymo says it will soon open up testing to the public through its Trusted Tester program. For this 40-minute unmanned video, the most common question asked by the general public is: Is there a remote takeover control function?

In response, engineers said Waymo has a remote operation center that can answer questions the car may encounter, but not directly manipulate.

Waymo's new self-driving video is on fire -- and since there's a remote interaction center, some people are saying: that's not full autonomy. As with FSDbeta, some human-machine interaction is needed in tricky situations.

However, some say the biggest problem with fully autonomous driving is that Right now Waymo is still running in an electronic fence with a map. If you can let Waymo run a lap outside the electronic fence and without implanting a map in advance, that's the way to go.

In addition, we must mention that some sharp-eyed friends found that the car seems to have violated the law and occupied the bike lane at about 2 minutes and 12 seconds?

He also tweeted the city's parking management account.

He also found a parking violation at 3 minutes and 43 seconds. In the end, his overall assessment was that the driving/parking was so bad that a FedEx car came around it in the left turn lane.

So, what do you think of the Waymo's performance?
